Kamis, 02 April 2009

Relevance Theology Calvin in Church of GBKP Rokan-Kampar
Special Klasis Riau Sumbar about Holy Banquet in Prison of Bangkinang Regency of Camphor Riau

Pdt Masada Sinukaban
Kesaktian Peduli Generasi Indonesia

I. Antecedent.
A. The Common Picture of Church GBKP community Rokan-Kampar Classis Riau Sumbar.
Church GBKP Rokan-Kampar consisted of by 10 Perpulungen (Missionary Post) that is Dalu-Dalu, Tapung, Terantam, Sukaramai, Sei Garo Plamboyant, Sungai intan, Pabaso, Ujung batu, Maranatha Kabun and Kijang Rejo Simalem. This Church GBKP Rokan-Kampar Situation is gone the round of in two Regency that is Regency Rokan hulu and Regency kampar in Province Riau. Apart between Perpulungen (Missionary Post) by Perpulungen other varying between 10 Kilometer until 120 Kilometer furthermost Distance is Perpulungen (Missionary Post) Dalu-Dalu to Kijang Rejo Simalem there is 160 Kilometre. While entirety Perpulungen distance one with other in Church GBKP Rokan Camphor is more or less 200an Kilometer.
In Church of GBKP Rokan of Camphor here I am serve every day. I do Spiritual tuition and Service to entire Member of GBKP community Rokan-Kampar. Like doing Sunday Divine, Sacraments, Domestic Divine, PA (Bible Observation) to woman, PA to Clan man and PA of Young Clan. Moreover, serve member of community which the ill medium of spiritual pain and physical, which community being sorrowful and serving which happiness.
Sum up Member of GBKP Rokan-Kampar community as a whole there is 250an Family Head or more or less 700 souls. They are People of Karo which coming from medan, Kabanjahe, Land Karo, Deliserdang, Langkat, Dairi, Simalungun Province North Sumatra. More or less 20-25 year ago they go abroad to area of this Riau.
Because in North Sumatra look for work have difficult progressively. Surely price of field in North Sumatra have costly progressively, matter of this is factors of their impeller go abroad to area of Province Riau especially to Regency of Rokan hulu and Regency of this kampar. Searching work and also look for field to cultivating Sawit and Rubber. Because generally work in this Riau are Farmer or become employee of Plantation of Sawit and Rubber. Major them are employees of Company of BUMN in PTPN V. But there are laboring also in companies of Private sector of National and Foreign. Rest of their Work are Farmer, Merchant, Public Servant and Learn in Public school elementary school, junior high school and senior high school.
Those who become member of My Church community. That Is Church of GBKP Rokan-Kampar Classis Riau Sumbar. Because, when they go abroad to Regency of Rokan hulu and kampar Regency, Church of GBKP is reaching them or serving them. Surely, before they go abroad to Regency of Rokan hulu and Regency of this kampar (When still in North Sumatra) they are member of GBKP community.
Need also in knowing that in area of Service of this Church GBKP Rokan-Kampar, especially in Perpulungen (Missionary Post) Dalu-Dalu, Pabaso, sungai intan and this kijang Rejo Simalem are very quiet once, far from bustle of city. Moreover, at all not yet there are electrics as lighting walked. While Street go to Perpulungen (Missionary Post) Pabaso and Kijang Rejo Simalen still not yet asphalt at all. Alongside transportation of my serve where ever, only witness view of Sawit and Rubber plantation. You can conceive when serving this community between two lights gone ugly ride motorcycle. Really the full of challenge and barricade. This is Service, in situation of however that and at any time that we have to feel that as a Happiness and Peaceful of prosperous in consequence is God blessing.
In Church of GBKP Rokan-Kampar here I am serving during 4 year since year 2003 until 2007. As Information, at home I also not yet there are Electrics at that moment.

B. History of Missionary GBKP/ Bible step into Land Karo.
Medial Allah Saving Masterpiece socialize Karo in first of at 18 April 1890 by Nederlands Zendelings Genootschap (NZG) in Buluh Awar Subdistrict Deliserdang North Sumatra countryside. From here, initially People Karo recognizes Bible. Bible of Jesus Christ that is in scattering by all Priests or all evangelists from that Dutch even also finally spring up and expand. They are Priest HC Kryut and Priest Neuman. Early epistle not more 10 People (soul) becoming Jesus Christ Follower. 50 year later precisely in year 1941 member GBKP community become 5000 people. At same in the year, there are two Priest GBKP people, which are in ordaining to become Priest that are Priest Palm Sitepu and Priest Thomas Sibero. It is so Difficult is Bible expand in Land Karo. However is such as those, which told in God Decree: I plant, Apolos sprinkle, but God giving Growth (Corinthian I 3: 6). Though a lot of challenge and barricade faced by all Priest and evangelist at that moment, they are non-stopped to motivate to report on Bible to People of Karo, which not yet recognized Jesus Christ or which not yet believed in Christian. Because at that moment People of Karo still embrace Tribe Religion. That is Religion of Pemena or Perbegu. Finally, the Bible very expands in Land Karo. Christian become Religion of Majority of People Karo, they leave belief of duration that is Religion Pemena. Praise God In this time, Church of GBKP own 289.457 (soul) of Member of GBKP community, 20 Classis, 437 community Ceremony and 809 Post of News of evangelist gone the round of in almost 20 Province in Indonesia. Served by 262 People of Priest and 9.111 Church Elder (Church elder/Deacon).

C. Service to Prison of Bangkinang of Kampar Regency.
The solid My Service, I still use opportunity intentionally time to serve People in prison Bangkinang during 2, 5 year. Serve a sentence this reside in Town Bangkinang, Bangkinang is capital city of Kampar Regency. Apart this Prison Bangkinang from My place there is 60 Kilometers. I called to serve them though Arranged Church (Regulation and Order) My GBKP only assignment in Church GBKP Rokan-Kampar. However, out for my divide time serve to Prison Bangkinang minimize 1 month once. Precisely every day 11 am Saturday or Thursday until 1 pm. Those who believe in My Roman and Protestant Christian serve. Customarily, Service in Prison is conduct pious during 1 hour. Having taken steps of Religious service Divine or continued Discussed or question and answer of about God Decree or Bible is more or less 30 minute. After discussing or the question and answer done generally there is one or two detainees serve a sentence this Bangkinang is which ask Pastoral Konseling personally. And there is also which ask in Praying personally. Considering mistake, which they have do for example Stealing, Rob Bering, Killing, Raping and Hence drugs. Become, they always in haunting the guilty were feeling. They feel not yet been pardoned by God because so much Mistake or Sin which they do.
From here, some from them apply to me in order to in prison or Serve a sentence this Bangkinang conducted “Holy Banquet" like as a rule in Church. Because them of opinion conducted is their Holy Banquet more feel “Pardoned all their Mistake and Sin". Just, I like very glad hear the request. To that's me of follow up to My Church GBKP Rokan-Kampar. In principle they (Church-Warden of GBKP Rokan-Kampar) agree. Later; Then I also still bring request of all prisoner Serve a sentence this Bangkinang to level of Classis Riau-Sumbar. They also agree Holy Banquet in that Prison Bangkinang conducting. So, becoming problem is when this Holy Banquet in asking to Synode (highest Center Head) church GBKP that is Moderamen GBKP. They the adverse opinion Holy Banquet conducted in Prison Bangkinang with the reason " Those who are in holding up" that are" People who having problems or sinning".
Moreover, this Moderamen GBKP hold views it has cited “statement Calvin" he said like this: According to our stream Calvin do not serve “Peoples who in Prison" with conducted is Sacrament but enough through Preach and tip of them. Become do not have to do Holy Banquet. So that word Moderamen GBKP. However, after read books of about Theology Calvin, and after following KAT (Lecture Displace Year in STT Jafray Makasar with Prof Peter Wyatt) really “Holy Banquet can be conducted each week". Mean Holy Banquet in the Prison Bangkinang even also ought to can be done. Because Holy Banquet execute do not have to in Church Building. Can at home, can in Prison and can also hospital. According To Prof Peter Wayyt. In Lecture Displace year in STT Jafray Makasar. Why in special Stream Calvin Church in Swiss and Europe at that moment, do not conduct Holy Banquet each week?
This because The Roman Catholic has conducted it, so that emerge opinion in order to differ from The Roman Catholic, conducted by 4 times or more. Those do not be conducted each week. Estimating to imitate The Roman Catholic. Things, which are like this often, make problem in Church or in community. In fact God Decree or the Bible pass in “Holy Banquet" that conducted when and Just where. So long as do not eliminate meaning truthfully that is "Masterpiece savior and redemption of Jesus Christ for Human being". Why this problem is I write down, for me this matter is very attractive. Holy Banquet is which ought to become “Trust People Property" and can be conducted in Prison or just where however because of Head Moderamen GBKP or Church Head policy Might possibly that Holy banquet be done. They (Moderamen GBKP) ought to as impeller but can also finally as the Holy Banquet Service barrier.
Service to This Prison Bangkinang I have doing during 2, 5 year. Because epistle Matthew section 28: 16-20. Commanding us to Report on Bible around the World. I am conducting it, inclusive of to Prisons. Cause in Bible Matthew section 25: 36 also say " When I in custody you visit me".

D. The Holy Banquet According to Calvin.
We are accepted by God in His family, so that we are assumed by Him not merely as His steward, but as His children. Thereafter, is in order to executed by His role as God which is both for always think His children, He initiative to give us eat as long as our life. Moreover, because that not yet been assumed by Him enough, hence given use a guarantee, we will be assured by His cheapness which of never used up it. For the purpose of that through His child hand given by Him to church a sacrament again, that is spiritual dish. In Christ, testify that only he is bread live, bread becoming food for our soul to reach everlasting life, what is happy and right.
His signs are wine and bread, deputizing for us the invisible food which we are accepted from Christ blood and flesh. In our Baptism is reborn by God, we are entered by Him into Church federation and lifted by Him become His children. And He execute duty of a family head which mindful of His children destiny ever provide food for us so that we are looked after and safe in life intended by Him for us our time are borne by Him by His decree. Christ hereinafter represent the single our soul food, and therefore we are called by our God in heaven to come to Him so that after becoming fresh because eating from that food, we each time can muster energy until we reach everlasting life in the heaven. And because of mystery federation of den defect between Christ with pious People according to His reality difficult to comprehend, hence to show His figure and draw from that matter with marking which can be seen, correctly as according to cretinous us understanding energy. It is true, with signs and guarantee given by Him, He can say make that matter so surely for us, so that could seen by eye. Most dull Mind cause even also can catch modestly imagery: as this corporeal life looked after with bread and wine, so Christ becomes food for soul.
Become, we have see what the target blessing of this den defect, that is to affirm to us that God body have been sacrificed to in such a manner so that we can now eat, and with our food feel in ourselves strength of sacrificed which is one that; that His blood have been spilled to we so that become beverage for us forever and ever. Moreover, the above is true sound of enhanced promise, “Take, this is my body which is in delivering for you" (Matthew 26:26; Mark 14:22; Luc 22:19; 1 Choir 11:24). Therefore, we ordered to take and eat body, which is once made a martyr of by our safety, so that because seeing that we get the part of that body, we can ensure that strength from His death animating that will be efficacious in ourselves. That is why he of agreement in His blood names that cup. Agreement cause which have once strengthened by Him with His bloody, we can say his renewed or more is precise continued by Him - as far as concerning our belief reinforcement - every that holy blood given by Him to we drink.
Hit altogether that we are in this sacrament get unshakeable witness. We even have to assure categorically that any his really to show of us of seem of Christ by himself attend and on view to our eye and groped by our hand. Cause, falsehood may not be or deception in this word, " Take, eat, drink, this is my body delivered for you, this is my blood spilled for the abolition". commanded us so that take, advised by Him that it is our property; commanded us so that eat, shown by Him that which we eat is will become one substance with us; expressed that His body have been delivered for us, and that His blood have been spilled for us, taught by Him that blood and body have been taken off by Him not because of that matter good for Him, but for the shake of our safety.
Hereinafter, here we the caution have to so that do not conduct two mistake. We do not too weaken signing and that way will dissociate marking from secret of exist in him that marking we can say trussed. Moreover, we do not the façade it too high so that secret of itself of seem darkened.
I say that Holy that sacrament Banquet consisted of by two matter : bodily marking depicting invisible case before very eyes we are as according to energy understand weak us mind, and the spirit truth depicted and at one blow given by that device. When I will show simply how that truth, hence generally I propose three things: mean, essence of which deal with him, and the effect of strength or yielded by which are two of this. Mean that located in promises which we can say under cover in that sign. That essence or substance is name by me Christ therewith His evocation and death. Moreover, with my effect of intend redemption, truth, hallowing, and the everlasting life, therewith all other kindliness bestowed to us by Christ.
It is true, all the things this there is his relation with belief. When I say that Christ obtained with belief, I do not mean that us only accept shadow and congeniality hit He is. That's interpretation searched for which I do not want to let. Cause, that promises offer He is non so that we desist at just observation and also at empty knowledge, but so that we enjoy real correct relation with Him. I really do not understand how somebody trust to own truth and redemption in Christ crucifix, and also life in His death, if he do not be convergent first of all at real correct federation with Christ. Cause, that setae will not until to us if Christ not more first make Himself become our.
Become, I say that in sacrament Banquet, with device of bread and wine, passed to by Real Christ of us, that is body an of His blood, what is in He have fulfilled entire adherence in order to obtain truth for us. His target so that we first consist with Him, becoming one body, as well as so that we, obtained is inner of His substance, will feel also His strength in federation with all His setae.
Attendance of Christ in Holy Banquet we have to assume in such a manner so that He is not bound in element of bread and is not confined in bread. We nor may limit Him by this one or that one (because all that clear lessen dignity his heaven), nor eliminate His highness by Himself or ripped him until He at one blow reside in more than one place or dream Him for broadness which beggar description which unfolding of through sky and earth. Because, that things are clear oppose against fact that he have demeanor of sterling human being. second of this Demarcation, my word, not on any account we may let grabbed from us 1) Dignity of heaven Christ may not be lessened - such as those which happened if He is entered by into elements which can perish that, what is the inclusive of this world, or related to by one of matter created under the sun. And 2) His body don't be assumed to have the nature of any which is alien to demeanor of human being is such as those which happened when said that body nothing; there is no His boundary, or when that body is determined to reside in some place at all.
Three author of Scripture and Paulus narrate that Christ have taken bread, and hereafter say blessing that spilt, last give it to His students and say " Take, eat, this is My body is delivered (or spitted) for you:. Hit cup, Matthew and Markus narrate that like this the Christ word, “This Cup is blood of new testament by my blood). All advocate of dogma of substance say that such by change-word “This is" is exist bread, because that consecration is executed by entire word in that formula, and for lack of substance which can be showed. Warier people who, though emphatically emphasize Literal sound from utterance, " This is My body", do not insist to hold on to that interpretation; their word, its meaning equal to when said that body of that Christ is " with bread, in bread and under [Aspect] bread".
As for extrinsic ceremony of that celebration: is not become problem, whether people trust to accept bread by hand or not, whether they divide between them or each one eat what passed to him, whether their cup bring back to deacon or they are continued to one who there is from His other side, whether that bread is ferment or not, whether that wine is red or turn white its colour. That things is which not be important so and delivered to Church wisdom.
So that the Holy Banquet helper by most solemn, that shall is oftentimes served to community, at least “Once a week". Shall that started with formal prayer; hereinafter is performed by a Sermon; last after Priest put bread and out of job is above desk, he shall say how that Banquet is specified; then mentioning of promises left for us in that Banquet; he shall at one blow exile every person who is by God interdict is refused from that Banquet. Thereafter he shall pray, presumably God is, as He is because His cheapness have given holy that food to us, also hereinafter teach and form us so that we accept it with grateful liver and belief; and in order to us which is from ourselves improper, by His blessing is made by competent Him accept it. Hence shall is later; then warbled by a hymn, or there is which read off, and the people who shall trust orderly which is as proper as following in Banquet which that Holy-great, while all steward split bread and assort it at attendant. Used up the Banquet, all present shall advised in order to very seriously trust and practice that belief, so that run proper life and love for Christians. As conclusion shall be said by thanks and warbled by praise for God. Hereafter finish, shall community released secure and prosperous pacifically.

E. The Holy Banquet in Church GBKP.
Holy Banquet in Church of ordinary GBKP conducted by as much 4 times one year. Namely at month January, May and September and even of Glorious Friday. At month of January generally the Holy Banquet conducted by after following " Week of Penatalayanan of Family of GBKP during seven day successively". Then on its Week in covering with to do Holy Banquet. Therefore, do In May there is “Week of Divine Family during full a week" then covered with by a Holy Banquet. While Month September conducted “Week of Prayer in GBKP during full a week also". This also covering with to conduct Holy Banquet on its Week. Last is on Glorious Friday. At Celebration of this Glorious Friday is Holy Banquet conducted on the Friday. Church of GBKP conduct this Holy Banquet pursuant to Matthew 26 : 26-29, Marcus 14:22-25, Lucas : 22:15-20, Corinthian I 23-25. this Holy Banquet conducted by Church of GBKP in commemoration of that Jesus Christ of Christ have Ready to Die to Redeem and Save entire Mankind from Sin. Equally, Jesus Christ has saved Human being. So that through this Holy Banquet Church of GBKP remind to return to [his/its] churchman that Sacrifice of Jesus Christ [in] wood crucify is big So. A Saving Masterpiece. This matter is mirror in Holy Banquet that is Blood and Flesh of Jesus Christ that is symbol as Bread and wine in the Holy¦¤quet. Thereby Churchman of GBKP have to mean that Holy Banquet in them life that Jesus Christ have Saved and Redeem all them Sin hence the Peoples Karo ( member of Church GBKP community) life have to be holy and Stick by Jesus Christ anywhere they reside in. Not merely Holy just in Church. Afterwards conduct unrighteous things. Do not those ways Peoples Karo (churchman GBKP) have to always innovate them Life pursuant to Jesus Christ decree.
About 20an year ago Church of GBKP conduct Holy Banquet at “Nighttime" and do not on Sunday. Nevertheless, do not know why finally the Holy Banquet in Church of GBKP conducted at morning or daytime. Probably because nighttime of GBKP community not many incoming follow the Holy Banquet. Therefore, those in the end in agreeing conducted on just Sunday and do not at night. There is also desire from some Priest which will change Bread and wine in that Holy Banquet with Typical food of Peoples Karo that is like Cassava and Nira (irrigate from Tree Enau/Rumbia). All that Priest assume People of nearer Karo with Cassava and Nira than with Bread and Wine assumed from Western Civilization. (Priest Pestanta Surbakti and some Student of Theology Serve Polite from Church GBKP)
All that Priest of opinion, conducted is Holy Banquet hence Cassava and Nira will mean that Holy Banquet is more circumstantial because that and Nira Cassava near by and chummy with tongue of People Karo. However, until in this time Church of GBKP still use Bread and wine each time conduct Holy Banquet. In Church GBKP Rokan-Kampar of Holy Banquet, remain to be conducted by as such generally conducted by Church of GBKP totally. Those are 4 times one year and still use Bread and Wine of medium to execute the Holy Banquet. Ordinary Holy Banquet conducting in religion service on Sunday. Moreover, own to arrange religion service separate special. Just only, which need in conducting give Information and resuscitation to GBKP community in general that conducting Holy Banquet of vital importance? Not merely just routinely. However meaning it is, as sacrifices of remarkable Jesus Christ for Safety of Human being of exist in this earth.

II. Conclusion.
After learning Theology Calvin and follow " Lecture Displace Year in STT Jafray Makasar by Prof Peter Wyatt" progressively add My knowledge and Knowledge as a Priest in Church of GBKP which this have a ideology Calvinist. Really, Church of GBKP has to a lot of learning and digging Theology Calvin truthfully. Rich Theology Calvin So. A lot of matter, which is according to Theology Calvin, can apply or conducted in Church of this GBKP. Church of GBKP less comprehends Theology Calvin intact. Frequently Church of GBKP misunderstands Theology Calvin. Know about scanty theology Calvin, but as if know a lot of. This very dangerous for Continuity of Church of GBKP a period will come. A lot of Theology Calvin, which wrong interpret in Church GBKP. For example environmental Live (Illegal Logging), Social Problem (Prostitutions), Poorness problem, problem of Civil Government, Ham and Corruption problem.
In fact Calvin converse a lot of to the effect that that. Calvin Care Refugee problem, Immigrant, Poorness, Pious, Blessedness, Environment etcetera. However Church in this time like Church GBKP in understanding only the rasher so that is not intact. Same As Holy Banquet problem in mentioned Prison Bangkinang. According to Calvin can conducting in Prison and when enabling conducted] Holy Banquet each week and just where is inclusive of in Prison. While according to Holy Banquet Moderamen Church GBKP cannot conduct in Prison Bangkinang. Holy Banquet only may be done in Church. It just only j4 times according to Church GBKP order (Arrange Church GBKP). However, Calvin and the Bible do not say that way. Things, which is like this need in straightening in order to do not become confusion in a period next time. Therefore, that in the end the Church Head can become inhibiting factor of service and God Decree itself.
Finally read books of Theology Calvin and attend the lecture to Displace Year in STT Jafray Makasar, I am strengthening to return to conduct Reform and Reconditioned in Church of GBKP for statement of the Truth and submit Information about may its does not Conduct Holy Banquet in Prison. In order to brothers-sisters (Those who the Christian) us which in this time reside in Prisons not merely in Prison of Bangkinang but the totality Indonesia is entitled to also get Service of Holy Banquet as such member of other Church community. Because what I conduct that is of the Dignity just Jesus Christ. Moreover, as according to bible or God Decree. What base on every Church Service? Syalom! Hallelujah.

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